Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mayor Bill Foster Begs For Audit

A frustrated Mayor Foster at the last city council meeting said that he was tired of the talk about the need for an audit of the development impact fees over the last several years, begging the council members to "Audit Something, please!"(click to read the full Patch article).

Now, we've covered this issue a few times before, and for some reason Mayor Foster just can't understand why the council would question his trust in his city employees. Well, we don't know, maybe it is because he has refused to fire or even discipline a city employee that lied to city council on purpose, or maybe it is because of the mis-appraisal of properties the city was buying(again with no disciplinary action), or it might just be that the council was mislead as to how thorough the previous unofficial investigation into the impact fees was. No matter what it was, the majority of council members we able to see past Foster's blind faith in his staff and voted to proceed with the external audits.

We again want to thank all of the council members that voted for this audit, especially Steve Kornell, who spearheaded this request for an audit, did his homework and showed that he cares about the people of this city, and what we think about out city government.

We also have to mention our favorite quote from this council meeting, it is in reference to the Lens pier plan, and the concept of attracting manatees to the artificial reef(which we have covered before as not being able to function as designed), Councilman Karl Nurse said "you know, we try NOT to kill manatees." We couldn't agree more councilman, and we are working on yet another Pier/Foster posting since the Mayor seems to be putting his foot in his mouth again.

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