We couldn't make this up if we tried, but the arguments Mayor Foster is using in favor of the scaled-back Lens pier design mirror those of the "Foster's rule" of evolutionary biology which states that,
"members of a species get smaller or bigger depending on the resources available in the environment. This is the core of the study of island biogeography. For example, it is known that pygmy mammoths evolved from normal mammoths on small islands. Similar evolutionary paths have been observed in elephants, hippopotamuses, boas, deer, and humans"
Mayor Foster keeps arguing that the current inverted pyramid doesn't have the resources(subsidy) to stay as big as it is and with all of the buildings and some of the parking over water, so it should change(or evolve) to be much smaller and have no buildings or parking over water so it can fit his planned smaller subsidy from the city, the exact same argument as Foster's rule for evolution. The irony of course is that Bill Foster is very much against the idea of evolution(which we've covered before), saying in a letter to the Pinellas School Board that it lead to Nazism and the Columbine massacre, so why is he pushing so hard in favor of evolution for the Pier? Maybe the VoteOnThePier.com folks need to speak the Mayor's language and say that the inverted pyramid is an "Intelligent Design", that might just win the Mayor over.
LOL, how maudlin. And this from a person who thinks the world was created in 7 days?